Saturday, July 12, 2008

East Asia Regional Swimming Competition (Special Olympics)

I had a good East Asian Regional Swimming Competition. I got a gold medal for 50-meter back stroke. I also got a sliver medal for 100-meter back stroke. My time for 50-meter back stroke was 32:39. My time for 100-meter back stroke was 1:09:26. I had a lunch box with rice and pork chop and Lemon Tea. I had a fun day at the swimming gala at Shing Mun Valley.


Becky Cheung said...

Congratulations on the brilliant results! I took part in swimming gala when I was in secondary school but have never competed with swimmers of other countries.

Keep up the good effort!

Auntie Becky

Anonymous said...

It must have been a good experience to compete with swimmers in such a big event and to know that your effort paid off!! Congratulations!

Do keep it up!


Anonymous said...

Swimming is good for you, I wish I could swim as good as you.


Ricky Lam said...

I was in a team when I was in school, but my performance was just so-so. It's good to hear that you did so well in back stroke. I am quite good at breast stroke, but seldom practice right now...

Keep it up


Unknown said...

Dear Tony,

Well Done. Auntie Victoria and I will give you a gift for your outstanding swimming results.

In Christ,